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healer's journey

The Healer’s Journey from Wounded Healer to Inspirational Communicator

You can be gifted at healing. That healership can take many forms. If you have the GIFT OF THE HEALER, however, you are required to grow into it and show up as a healer or inspirational communicator. Ignore this call to duty?  You get penalized. Argh!

That’s the truth behind all of the gift marking that show up in a person’s hand. You have a gift, you have a responsibility. Simple as that.

Do you have the markings of the gifted healer also known as Medical Stigmata? If you do, spend a little time with me as we explore the journey you must embark on to use yHealer has Vertical Lines under the pinkyour gift for others and for yourself.

Inspect these hands and then look at your own. The hands marked in green show a hand with and without the vertical lines under the pinky (Mercury) fingers. Can you see the vertical lines on the unmarked hand? That’s what you’re looking for.

If you have at least 4 verticals, your focus is on healing yourself. Five or more verticals, you have the gift of the healer. Eight or more? You are to be a Healer of Healers.

Bottom line, Gifted Healers are change agents and growth catalysts.

Let’s look at the stages of your journey. And, of course, the penalty for not being on the path of the true healer.

The Healer’s Journey

Phase I • The Wounded Healer

If you have these vertical lines-medical stigmata, then you are wounded in some way. Aren’t we all really?  The skills you gain while learning to heal your own wounds and claiming your gift, however, are going to be the key skills you’ll need to help others heal.

Are you attracted to other healers, and books on healing and classes on healing?  Are you the first person friends and colleagues turn to for good advice or gentle support, but you’re not always getting in return? OR perhaps the 1st to give good advice but rarely apply it to yourself?  It’s the good therapist who’s own life is a mess, story!

Have you identified what part of your life needs healing?  Maybe it’s about relationships, your body, overcoming doubt/stuck in indecision or some phobias/fears that keep you from building the life you want, ________fill in the blank.

By healing your own wounds, you become the MODEL for others. Now you’re ready for the next phase as you continue to learn and seek support for what part of you needs healing.


Phase II • The Witness

The Gifted Healer, at his/her best, has finely honed communication skills. So if you’re always giving advice and telling folks what is best for them, you’re communication skills are not honed! Healers who haven’t mastered this phase, can get into co-dependent relationships and tend to try to FIX people. Hmmm!  Wonder how that’s working for you and for them??

The healer becomes a witness to the journey of others. The skills needed here are:

  • Takes the time to listen to your own still, quiet voice within…so that you can learn to trust that voice (remember the virtues of Phase I?)  You are the witness as well as participant in your own healing
  • Listens actively and deeply to another person
  • Using the Healer’s gift of keen psychological insight you become a keen observer of body language, facial expression.  You notice the subtle shift in a person’s emotions and word selection. You know if they are ready to heal themselves.
  • Is curious about where they are now and asks questions (with permission) showing that curiosity
  • Builds trust as you allow the other person his/her emotional landscape and have set appropriate boundaries


Phase III • The Guide

You’ve mastered the Wounded Healer and the Witness….now you’re ready to be the healing guide.

The person’s ready. She’s chosen you as a member of her support team. Perhaps you’ve gently guided her to this point of readiness with your witnessing and modeling skills.

One of my colleagues describes giving the right kind of support as: Comfort when you need it; Perspective when you need it; and Encouragement when you need it. I love this!

Your job as the guide is to inspire the person to take action in their own behalf. You function as a change agent and a growth catalyst, but you’re not there to give them the blueprint. It’s up to them to create one for themselves with your wise guidance.

Because you are now the inspirational communicator, the person who is ready to heal herself is motivated by you, trusts  you and feels safe with you. Really powerful stuff!

Phase O • The Penalty Phase

The penalty comes when you’re not walking your healer’s journey – consciously stepping onto your healer’s path in order to develop the skills necessary to heal yourself and others.

As I said in the beginning, each gift that shows up in your hand comes with penalty if you’re not using it.  The Gifted Healer’s Penalty looks like this:

  • Blocked Intimacy – no intimate relationship; avoiding asking for what you want and need in the relationship you do have (or lost touch with what you need); “just friends here” w/o deepening the trust and love necessary to have an intimate partnership
  • Withdrawal and Isolation – this comes with blocked intimacy and lack of trust in general. The healer needs to be so deeply in touch with what trust is in order to be healed and to heal others
  • A series of co-dependent/enabling relationships that go no where
  • Friends and family who flee because you’re always trying to fix them. They may need fixing! The problem here is you haven’t figured out the communication skills yet. And they may not be ready anyway.

So, GIFTED HEALER, we need you in the world. Are you willing to do what it takes to bring your healership out from behind the curtain?  Hope so.

Happy Journey,

~ Janet

26 thoughts on “The Healer’s Journey from Wounded Healer to Inspirational Communicator”

  1. “By healing your own wounds, you become the MODEL for others. Now you’re ready for the next phase as you continue to learn and seek support for what part of you needs healing.”

    I love this reminder Janet! And then, about the co-dependency – the way that can be exacerbated depending on one’s life school is a real doozy, eh? Thank you for this important reminder – for all of us healers!

    1. Yes, Peggie – I’ve often thought about a post on Life Schools and the penalty (as well as the gift) of the Healer. Also about how each school has their own brand of isolation. Wanns do a post together??

  2. Thank You Janet
    With over 8 healing lines on each hand, it is time for me to come out of hiding. Heal myself, then others.

  3. Hi Janet. So nice to reconnect. You did a reading for me about 3 years ago. I retired 1-1/2 years ago and am now building a business as a health coach. I have 8 healing lines on my left (dominant) hand and 4 on my right. Good to know I”m on the right path! Learning to hone my communication and listening and observation skills now. Such an interesting and fulfilling journey.

    1. Tessa: Such good news. Sounds like you’re living fully on purpose using your gifted healer. Happy to be part of your journey.
      ~ Janet

      1. Hi Janet.. Parul this side frm India.. I wasnt aware of the lines n their connection with the healing powers.. I cn feel I m destined to be a healer.. Hv almost 9 lines oon right palm below pinky n 7-8 on my left.. Feel absolutely lost.. Hv been hvng stiff hands fr last 7 yrs. How do I recognise whether I hv healing abilities ?

        1. Hello, Parul: First the Healer heals his own wounds. What do you think stiff hands mean – do you have a diagnosis from a doctor or healer? Stiff = inflexible or difficulty being vulnerable. I can’t give you definite ideas about weather you have healing abilities. Sounds as if you have lots of “medical stigmata” which means you are a healer of healers. It also means that the penalty for not finding and developing your healer in you is much greater.
          Reread the post. I hope you get more insights and can trust that you are a healer. I wish you the best on your healing/healer’s journey.

          ~ Janet

  4. Hello, I’ve been searching for any insight to a strange mark I have on my palm. I have not seen or heard of any marking of such and would love any feedback. I have a red shaped heart particularly on Mount Luna. I have many lines running vertically on my hands, especially from the base of my pinky all the way to the tip. The heart mark has been with me ever since I was a child and I would love to hear of any perspective. Thank you kindly, Angela

    1. Angela: Sounds like an interesting mark in your hand…maybe a birth mark. I really can’t give you any insight on the mark or the verticals without taking in your whole story based on fingerprints- (your soul map), personality archetypes etc. If you would like to schedule a consultation, I’m happy to work with you weaving your heart mark and vertical lines into the main story. If that appeals, please email me directly at
      May you thrive doing what you love to do,
      ~ Janet

  5. Hi, thank you for taking the time to write and share your article. I have a question that I have not found an answer for. I have multiple vertical lines under my pinky as in the photo on both hands under both pinky’s. However, there is a line coming horizontally through the set of vertical lines. On both hands. To describe it looks similar to when people do tally marks in groups of 5. The markings look like a grouped tally with the line. Could you please share what you know this to mean. Thank you in advance for any guidence you can offer.

    1. Hi, Kamilla: I would have to see a photo of the area you’re talking about. What I surmise is that you have Sisyphus lines crossing your medical stigmata (healer lines). A horizontal line like this in the hand is usually a block. The Sisyphus line is a message to yourself (you tell yourself/experience tells you) that relationships are hard and trusting your heart with another might be a challenge. Developing trust in relationships is key for the healer to blossom. Again, I’d have to see what your talking about.


  6. I am just learning and listening to my gift of healing I have known for years that I had an ability to truly read others and know that not all was OK even when they tried to pretend it was.
    My question is since I am in the early stages of learning and trying to understand… The marks on one’s hands under/near the pinky does it matter which hand? I ask since I have 12 on my left hand and only 4 on my right hand.

    1. Paulah, Thanks for sharing your story. You are aware of your gift. That’s good news. First, your hands can change over time (not your fingerprints, your hands). In other words, those verticals can come and go. The more you have the more you might experience the penalty. IN your case now, perhaps in personal relationships. More verticals on your left hand… Think about your left hand as your personal, relational hand….your inner circle including you! Your right hand is more how you present yourself to the world-your outer circle. What you are doing in the world to express your inner motivations.
      So my guess is 2 fold….you have the Healer’s Gift to heal those closest to you and/or you are emerging as a healer. Showing the world your gifts in preparation for making it a centerpiece of your life.
      i wish you all the best on your journey to bring your gift to the world.

      ~ Janet

  7. Hi Janet,
    I enjoyed reading this article and have recently felt this undeniable calling as a healer. Both of my hands bear the healers mark, more than 9 lines on each band. I have know this path for most of my life, always the calming presence in a room, everyone needing me or needing me to do something for them. I am also an empath who struggles with maintaining energetic boundaries in personal relationship and in my previous professional relationships in my work as a massage therapist. Currently home with my two sweet babies and undergoing a kind of awakening process in the past month or so. Looking for guidance.

    1. Acacia: Thank you for sharing your story. Being a healer and a mother is a special combination. Yes, setting boundaries for yourself is essential.
      If you are looking for some support to grow your healership and find that grounding peace, I’d be happy to work with you. I offer a 20 minute complimentary consultation to get to know one another. Go here if you want to know more

      All the best,

      ~ Janet

  8. Hi Janet,

    I’m curious about the guidelines you expressed in terms of vertical lines under the pinky finger. Are these hard and fast rules for classification of healer? Are there other competing interpretations?


    1. Steve: Not sure what you mean about competing interpretations. The number of verticals will determine the level of healership – on a healing path (3 or 4); hand a shingle as a healer – known as a healer (5-7); 8 or more – healer of healers.

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