Our Premise
We believe that our hands hold the key to our highest potential including and most importantly our Life Purpose. Our hypothesis is that when an injury or other challenge in your hands occurs there is a message to heal some part of your life. The specific location in the hand and the timing are key pieces of this message. As you gain insight you can move forward toward that potential.
We have created the Hand Wisdom Project – A Metaphysical Guide to Hand Injuries and Your Health based on the combined wisdom of Occupational Therapy, Life Purpose Hand Analysis, and the insights of Louise Hay. We, Julie and Janet, have come up with some elegant ideas that we’ll be testing during 2012.
Who we are:
Julie Sonack
Julie has a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy and has spent over 30 years in this field with the last decade specifically in hands. She also has spent over 20 years studying metaphysics. Taking her knowledge of hand anatomy, and combining this with information from hand analysis and metaphysics, Julie has begun to develop some theories regarding the possible messages our hands are sending to us when they become injured.
Janet Savage
Certified as a Hand Analyst in 2000 by the International Institute of Hand Analysis (IIHA), Janet has read over 6,000 pairs of hands and is now one of 9 Master Hand Analysts and Teachers in the world. Janet consults with and coaches individuals and groups worldwide and trains others to use the IIHA system. This system combines the ancient art of palmistry and the contemporary science of fingerprint analysis. The focus is on life purpose discovery and personality style and strength rather than prediction of the future. www.handtales.com.
What we hope to accomplish:
Our hope is that our research will show that hand-related injuries and other challenges contain messages for healing some part of our life and that they represent a message to pay attention.
Our plan is to share the results of our research and to publish a hand book for use by health care providers specializing in hands and body, mind and spirit practitioners. Look for our guidebook in Spring of 2013.