You need 2 Tented Arch Fingerprints to qualify for the School of Wisdom
Fingerprints, indelibly imprinted 5 months before you were born, are energy signatures. I like to call them your Cosmic Signature or your Soul Contract. These unique patterns outline your soul path. We’re talking Contracts here. There are no guarantees that this higher consciousness will be expressed clearly in this lifetime unless the contract is honored. And, of course, this path is fraught with many tests and distractions. It will take commitment and belief in yourself at a the deepest level.
Once you fulfill your Soul Contract – written in your fingerprints – you will be free to identify, track and live your life authentically with joy and purpose. Your unique Soul Contract includes your LIFE SCHOOL – the stage you have set to learn specific lessons. Your School is your training ground, the umbrella of your soul consciousness.
There are 4 Schools here at Earth University – Service, Love, Wisdom and Peace. We’ll be exploring the School of Wisdom in this entry. And the Fool is a great archetype for this learning path you are on. If you’re in the School of Wisdom, this mention of the Fool might make you squirm. Read on!
Wisdom is about Joy
The quest for knowledge and understanding can be blissful! Are you a perfectionist, procrastinator, commitment phobic, the Know-It-All? Or perhaps the “Don’t Know-It-All” who thinks you just need one more course or to read one more book and THEN you’ll be ready? It all comes down to the same thing, You are anxious about putting yourself at stake, exposing what you know to the world. This is the underbelly of the School of Wisdom.
Your courses in Wisdom include: how to overcome doubt as you build discernment; make clear decisions and ACT. You’ll make mistakes and that’s the way you learn.
The good news is that you are on the path to Joy. Yes, you heard it, J.O.Y.! Joy in knowledge. Joy in understanding and being understood. Joy when you step out and put all of your evaluation into action. This is one of the Schools of Courage – the courage of your convictions.
If you identify with the above – here are three ways to get you to the pot of gold – Joy:
- Make the “2 foot drop” daily – from your head to your heart. From the serious business of thinking, thinking, thinking to the world of feelings, desires and dreams. What do you want? What makes you excited? What opens your heart to find the courage to stay true to what you know and what you feel? Your mind will be clearer and more decisive, I promise.
- Track how you make excuses for not taking action – be curious. What am I afraid of? What’s the worst thing that could happen? And then re-frame it to get you moving in the direction you want.
- Laugh at yourself today. You may take life
entirely too seriously – after all wisdom is serious business, right? Not so. Make mistakes, be willing to risk looking foolish at times. This is the key on the journey to a courageous life of wise knowing. Read up on the Fool Archetype in the Tarot deck. I think his image and meaning capture some of the essence of the School of Wisdom. What do you think?
What school are you in? What skill set is required of your Soul Journey so that your Life Purpose can take flight? To find out more, contact me, Choose a full Life Purpose Mapping consultation which weaves your Life School into the full picture of your potential.